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Good morning. Continuing in our series of Small Business Success Stories, we discuss some of the challenges and solutions that we’ve come up with to help our small business community.

This week, we helped a couple of different, diverse small business clients. One is a new venture — a potato chip manufacturer that is going to be manufacturing potato chips and selling it to large brands throughout the United States. In their particular case, the products are being manufactured overseas and they needed a product liability policy that will protect them — understanding that the factory is not a domestic factory and we needed that coverage both in the US and worldwide.

So, we were able to find a superior solution to what they had with a superior carrier. Really, it was relatively a very small deal — except we matched the correct carrier with the right client and that was our first small business success of the week.

We also had a wedding band. Their particular challenge was that they hire a number of musicians who are 1099 outside contractors. They needed coverage for them because they hire the same musicians quite often. Even though they are outside contractors, based on state laws, where they live, they can be considered employees. So, they needed workers comp coverage.

They were declined by other markets, came to us, and we were able to find a solution for them.

Finally, we had daycare centers. Now the daycare center was actually interesting. There are many carriers out there who will handle child daycare centers. The first one we assisted with was a child daycare center. However, the hairiness of that account was that they specifically had a claim in the past. The second daycare center was an adult day care center and that’s a more limited market.

We found the right carrier for them.

We’re here to help! Give us a call, (561) 287-6279. We’ll take the time to analyze your particular issue and we’ll come up with a solution.