Small Business Success Story of the Day – Overnight Car Wash

Hey! So in our second round of Small Business Success stories for the day, we have an interesting one. We had an app developer that created an app in New York City where you can have your car washed in an UBER-like environment. The car wash people will come to your garage overnight. While the cars are resting overnight and while you’re resting in your sleep, the car gets washed.
So the complication with it was that while the car is in the care, custody, and control of the cleaners there is an exposure which is really Bailee’s Coverage. The issue over here was that the app developer actually never took care, custody, and control of the vehicle; they subbed all that work out to a large cleaning company.
So we were able to get them contingent garagekeepers legal liability as well as cyber liability on a whole tech package to cover the whole deal, to cover them for all those exposures, as well as the traditional contingent garagekeepers legal.
If you need an out-of-the-box solution, give us a call (561) 287-6279.